When starting a new business, you need to keep a close eye on your expenses. In particular, you need to keep your eye on the horizon. If you are opening a convenience store, gas station, or restaurant, your supplies for your restrooms can become more expensive than they need to be over time. Although the start-up cost may be more, you can save a bundle in the long run by passing on the towels in favor of an automatic hand dryer. Waste in business can only be controlled to a point. With sanitary items such as paper towels, people can be extra wasteful. However, you don't need to worry yourself with the people who use 10 sheets just to dry their hands anymore. A single automatic dryer can pay for itself in only a few months as compared to what the expense would be to keep re-stocking those paper towel dispensers (automatic dryer tips the scale with that alone). Like I mentioned above, they are definitely more expensive to purchase, but without the waste you faced before, you will see the savings in no time.
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