May 23, 2008, Newsletter Issue #116: Getting Custom Made Bathroom Signs

Tip of the Week

Bathroom signs are required by many different layers of regulations. For the restaurant or business owner who wants to conform to regulations without sacrificing the design and feel of their business, getting custom made bathroom signs is a great solution.

There are many makers of bathroom signs who can make them how you want them. Regulations regarding bathroom signs deal mostly with the information that appears on them, not the manner in which it appears. Because of this, many companies with press capabilities will offer their clients with choices in colors and fonts for their bathroom signs.

Consult with one of these manufacturers and request a full catalogue of what they can offer you. Following the rules doesn't have to mean creating an eyesore for your public. These custom made bathroom signs can be a little more expensive, but definitely worth the cost of keeping up your interior design throughout your entire establishment.

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