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What To Do When There is No Changing Table

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What do I do if there is no changing table?

What To Do When There is No Changing Table

While many restaurants, ball parks and malls have baby changing tables, you will sometimes run across a place that doesn't have a flat surface for you to change your baby. If this is the case and you're looking for a private place, put a baby blanket on the floor of the bathroom and a changing pad above that. After you change the baby, either put the baby blanket (which is now dirty) far from the baby or fold it so the dirty side is facing outward.



8/10/2009 11:38:49 AM
Tab said:

This is extremely hard to do, especially when the floor is super hard, and my son gives me a hard enough time changing him as it is, it is even harder changing him when there is no table or anything to secure him and keep him in one place. I think all restrooms should have changing tables, and hooks for the diaper bags, and at least a chair to sit the baby in case the parent needs to go to the restroom when they have an infant in toll and no babysitter or helper to hold the baby when you need to go!


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